Chapter2: HTML Tags


HTML works in a very simple, very logical, format. It reads like you do, top to bottom, left to right. That's important to remember. HTML is written with TEXT. What you use to set certain sections apart as headings, subtitles, bold text, underlined text, etc is a series of what we call "tags".

Think of tags as making your structure.

The tag for a paragraph is "p". That makes sense.

For example:

In the old HTML standards, we used to use B for bold, and I for italics, etc. With the latest standards it is now accepted practice to separate content from presentation - by which we mean you set out the structure of your document in HTML.

So, Here We Go!
Here's a sample page to show you what I mean for you to do tonight:

save the above text as "samplepage.html" and open in browser. see the result.


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